diverse students laugh altogether

Student Life


Living and working

at the No. 1 in Northern Germany

NORDAKADEMIE offers the best conditions for research and teaching at its locations in Elmshorn and Hamburg, and also a pleasant and inspiring environment. This includes modern, well-equipped facilities as well as the large sustainability campus with park character, the attractive cafeteria and many joint activities. After all, we want to be the No. 1 in the north not only when it comes to studying, but also in terms of lifestyle.

This is how pleasant it is to study


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Study Lounge

For the times between or after lectures, there is the possibility to relax in the student lounge.

This spacious room for students and employees of NORDAKADEMIE offers opportunities to work out, relax, watch movies, play billiards, kicker, listen to music and much more. In addition, the lounge has a kitchenette and a bar. If you have any questions, requests or problems, you can contact the StuPa by e-mail.

Our university locations

put into the picture

Student with pink hair and books

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Please be aware, that we currently do not offer any programs in english language!

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